Plants With a Purpose

Hey plant peeps!
And now for the immortal words of John Cleese: “And now for something completely different,” a something a little unexpected from your favorite plant shop. As we enter the New Year with the masses eager to tally their resolutions, we also have one we’d like to share with you and one you can help us with all year long. It’s a little dream project we are calling “Plants With A Purpose.” Let me start with a little back story. In 2015, Isaac was already a successful instrument-rated private pilot.
We took many wonderful adventures together, but we also saw his skill behind the yoke as an opportunity to help others. We looked for ways we could help and found an avenue with Pilots N Paws. Pilots N Paws is a nonprofit organization that brings together rescue organizations, individuals, and pilots to transport pets in need. We were in! In the course of our time with the program, we transported 28 dogs that were in dire need of a home.
Everything from hungry abandoned litters of new pups to senior dogs who were left after the passing of their beloved companions, to dogs that were scheduled to be euthanized.
We flew a total of almost 4,000 miles that year alone! As work got the best of both of our times, we had to give up this as the financial investment was mounting.
Insert plants here. Now that we are both working in the plant shop full-time and are in total control of our time, we were trying to think of way we could once again participate with the program and found an answer in our plant collection. We will be setting up a special collection, where 100% of the proceeds will go to fund the rescue trips. It’s a win-win for puppies and kitties in need!. When you choose a plant with the “🐶✈️🐱” symbols, know that the plants you added to your collection are helping a great cause to help us fund the trips.
Listen, all I know last time we did this I got another dog, my sweet Daisy, who has a very firm grip of my heart in her little paws. This is my chance to get another one (shhhhh don’t tell Isaac). Don’t let me down!
We will keep you posted on our efforts and take you along on our trips via live broadcasts! So now you know not only will we find you plants you didn’t know you wanted, you’ll also be helping sweet little pets find their fur-ever homes!
"A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring out to make new trees." ~Lawrence Lovasik
Let’s get planting (and flying)!
Sonja & Isaac