Big pokies, little pokies, and everything in between.

It should be noted that one big prick is always better than a bunch of small ones. That's just scientific fact.  

I am talking about cactus.


Penis Cactus


Mystery plant

From  $3.00

Mammillaria Elongata 'Cristata' ~ Brain cactus is

$20.00 $16.00

Fairy Castle Cactus

$14.00 $12.00
Out of stock

Gymnocalycium mihanovichii friedrichii - Chin Cactus

Out of stock

Echinocereus rigidissimus rubrispinus ~ Rainbow Hedgehog Cactus

From  $5.00
Out of stock

Stenocactus Multicostatus ~ Brain cactus


Gift Card

From  $10.00
Out of stock

Mammillaria Plumosa


Forgot to get a Heat Pack!!

Out of stock

Echinopsis Flying Saucer

From  $10.00
fairy castle cactus

Fairy Castle Cactus 6”

$28.00 $20.00

Euphorbia Ferox

$22.00 $18.00

Myrtillocactus geometrizans /Blue Myrtle Cactus

$10.00 $6.00

Boob cactus!


Stenocereus pruinosus ~ Gray Ghost Organ Pipe

Out of stock

Neochilenia Jussieui


Leuchtenbergia principis - Agave Cactus 🌵

Out of stock

Blossfeldia Liliputana Grafted

From  $16.00

Cholla cutting


Fairy Castle Cactus overgrown


Euphorbia Horrida

$22.00 $18.00

Spiral cactus

Out of stock

Thimble Cactus


Cactus cuties

From  $15.00
Out of stock

Opuntia Sunburst Variegata


Mammillaria bocasana Fred

$60.00 $45.00
Out of stock

Euphorbia Ferox variegated

Out of stock

Rebutia perplexa

Out of stock

Crested Blue Candle

Out of stock

Peach moon cactus


Mammillaria gracilis cv. oruga

Out of stock

Euphorbia Dragon tree


Nopales cuttings

$15.00 $7.00
Out of stock

Lobivia purpureominiata


Variegated Mammillaria Elongata Grafted


Opuntia Santa Rita paddle

Out of stock

No Id cute little weirdo

Out of stock

Blue myrtle cluster

Out of stock

Crown cactus
