You can still stalk my website, but these things are new!!

Euphorbia schoelandii


Green Ice gasteria


Fairy Castle Cactus overgrown


Sedum Burrito


Echeveria Blue Atoll I


Haworthia turgida Var suberecta


Skeksis Air plant holder

$18.00 $14.00

Succulent Wreaths

From  $10.00

Winter cuttings set


Succulent Wreath

$35.00 $30.00

Six Buck Succs

From  $4.00

Succulent turtle kit

$55.00 $40.00
Out of stock

Superbum Bunches

Out of stock

Echinopsis hybrid “flambeau” crested

Out of stock

Variegated Echeveria Lola

Out of stock

Stapelia grandiflora

Out of stock

Gymnocalycium paraguayense f. fleischerianum

Out of stock

Pink Echeveria Lola


Boob cactus!


Cotyledon orbiculata Variegated - Long Leaf Form

Out of stock

Hoya curtsii


Avonia Quintana


Tillandsia Streptophylla

From  $24.00
Out of stock

Kalanchoe rhombopilosa Pies from heaven


Grafted Astro

$24.00 $20.00

Stenocereus pruinosus ~ Gray Ghost Organ Pipe


Edithcolea Grandis ~ Persian Carpet Plant


Mammillaria Elongata 'Cristata' ~ Brain cactus is

$20.00 $16.00

Crassula muscosa - Watch Chain

$9.00 $6.00

Lithops fulviceps var aurea


Sedum Dasyphyllum Minor

From  $10.00

Sedum Dasyphyllum Major

From  $10.00
Out of stock

Aloinopsis Schooneesii 🌱


Haworthia Cooperii Truncata

$18.00 $14.00

Sedum burrito~ Donkey Tail

From  $12.00


From  $5.00
Out of stock

Echeveria 'Lola'

From  $5.00