Out of stock

Custom order for Alyson

Out of stock

Custom order for Melissa

Out of stock

Custom plant

Out of stock

Cynthia’s Haworthia


DIY Hens & Chicks KIT

$28.00 $20.00

Donkey tail

Out of stock

Dracaena Ocean Star / Snake Plant

Out of stock

Dudleya virens ssp hassei



$12.00 $9.00
Out of stock

Echeveria 'Lola'

From  $5.00

Echeveria ballet dancer/ cripsy beauty


Echeveria Blue Atoll I


Echeveria blue curl

Out of stock

Echeveria Chroma


Echeveria cupid cluster

Out of stock

Echeveria echo


Echeveria gucci

Out of stock

Echeveria Imbracata

From  $15.00

Echeveria lilac

Out of stock

Echeveria lilac


Echeveria Matador


Echeveria Pearl Von Nurnberg

Out of stock

Echeveria prolifica


Echeveria pulvinata crested


Echeveria Raspberry Ice

$24.00 $18.00

Echeveria ruffles


Echeveria Runyonii “topsy Turvy”


Echeveria violet Queen


Echeveria “Neon Breaker’

From  $10.00
Out of stock

Echinocactus grusonii var. albispinus - White Barrel Cactus

Out of stock

Echinocereus rigidissimus rubrispinus ~ Rainbow Hedgehog Cactus

From  $5.00
Out of stock

Echinopsis Flying Saucer

From  $10.00
Out of stock

Echinopsis hybrid “flambeau” crested


Echinopsis subdenudatum dominos

From  $5.00

Edithcolea Grandis ~ Persian Carpet Plant

Out of stock

Edward’s haworthia

Out of stock

Epiphyllum guatemalense monstrosa ~ Curly Locks Orchid Cactus


EPU 110


EPU 111


EPU 112
